Getting Into Business

How To Recognize And Differentiate Great Employees From Outstanding Employees

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Many companies have monthly employee awards. It is one way to bolster the productivity levels. Yet, what do you do when you have great employees, and then, all of a sudden, you have a truly outstanding employee? How can you recognize and differentiate this employee from all of the rest who have received a monthly reward? Here are some ideas that can help: Your Wall of Great Employees The wall of plaques that honor great employees is great for them, but it does nothing for the one employee who recently went above, beyond, and farther than any other employee.…

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Buying A Boat At The End Of The Boating Season? What To Do

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If you are purchasing a boat at the end of the boating season and you aren’t sure how to store it, or what needs to be done before the boat is stored, there are some things that you want to know. You want to make sure that you drive the boat to make sure that it works properly, and that you talk with a mechanic about any potential problems that can arise.…

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Renting The Right Air Compressor

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Many of the industrial and manufacturing tasks that take place each day require the use of an air compressor. If you are working on a temporary project that utilizes compressed air, then air compressor rentals may help you access the equipment you need at a fraction of the cost of purchasing a new compressor. Here are three tips that you can keep in mind to ensure you rent the right air compressor to meet your needs:…

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